Brexit: New Training for BS Stainless Staff


With Brexit imminent, everyone is preparing for the various ways that it will affect business and trade. In order to be fully prepared, two employees from BS Stainless (Jordan Aspden from Sales and Connor Fitzpatrick from Logistics) have attended and completed a specialised training course delivered by the Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, becoming duly certified in the process.

Part of the course involved looking at the benefits and drawbacks of the possible outcomes of Brexit.

  • Remaining in the EU will allow frictionless trade between EU members but means that trade deals will not be possible
  • The 'Norway Option' allows the UK to remain within the customs union, make trade deals and be closely aligned with EU regulations. The drawback is that we be obliged to adopt most EU legislation
  • The 'Canada Option' allows the UK to make trade deals (preferentially in the EU) but means leaving the customs union and a greater paperwork burden for exporters
  • The ‘WTO option’ will allow the UK to make trade deals but gives no preferential access to the EU market
The training course also looked at potential solutions in the event of a No-Deal Brexit. These include:
  • Smarter logistics and a focus more cost efficient transport and documentation
  • Better training in export and import documentation requirements and changes in tarriff codes
  • The possible usage of EU-based warehousing options
  • Working towards gaining Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status, allowing for faster port-clearance times
  • An increase in levels of stock, helping to avoid initial transportation problems

However Brexit pans out, we wish to assure our clients that BS Stainless will continue to provide the very best materials available at the most competitive price. If you're worried about how Brexit will affect your trade with us, get in touch with a member of our team today.

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